Επικοινωνία: 2310554259
Ωραριο Λειτουργιας Δε - Πα: 09:00 - 17:00
Σάββατο: 09:00 - 15:00
Contact 2310554259
Working Hours Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 15:00
Factory: 123-456-789
Sales Hours Mon - Fri: 09:00AM - 09:00PM Saturday: 09:00AM - 07:00PM Sunday: Closed
Adress 1840 E Garvey Ave South West Covina, CA 91791


Company Profile

Sonick and its team design, develop, and manufacture machines that provide high quality solutions to its customers in the textiles sector, enhancing their production process.
It provides tailored functions in its machines, while its specialised staff can guide each customer in selecting the right machine to meet their specific requirements.
Current technologically developed fabrics that are hard to handle require flexible high quality machines, and Sonick invests in innovation in order to respond to its customers’ increasing needs.

Many Years of Experience

Sonick’s people have significant experience in the sector of manufacturing, converting, and maintaining textile machines, as well as knowledge of the specific market. Combined with their excellent training in electronic automation and machine design, Sonick’s team successfully supports its customers and builds long-term collaborations. At the same time it offers a one-year guarantee on all its machines and impeccable after sales service.

Why Us?

We manufacture tailor-made machines to meet your unique needs

Prompt Service

We respond to necessary repairs quickly and reliably, and we have a full range of parts.


Our team’s many years of experience and know-how guarantee modern, high quality, functional machines

Our Certifications

Aiming at continually upgrading our products and services, the specifications and methods of quality management implemented by Sonick meet the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 international quality assurance model.
The CE mark on our products indicates the safety of our machines, which is ensured through the compliance of our manufacturing procedure with European standards.
